HSQLDB - 100% Java Database |
Links to a collection of pages on how to use HyperSQL.
For new users. A simple, illustrated guide on how to run an HSQLDB server and to connect to the server with the Database Manager Swing.
Simple introduction to using HSQLDB in a web app.
Introduction to programming with HSQLDB in 5 parts. This popular guide introduces HSQLDB and shows examples of how to connect and use with JDBC, Java Server Pages and JSTL. You can use the guide with HSQLDB 2.X.
Using Jasper Reports with HSQLDB
Two blogs entries on using HSQLDB for persistence in a GWT, Hibernate JPA application. Other entries cover the full process of development of the application.
Application with HSQLDB 2.0, Spring and Hibernate
Multipart article covering development of an application with HSQLDB 2.0
HSQLDB, JPA, Eclipse, Hibernate Tutorial
This guide shows how to program a JPA application using Hibernate and HSQLDB. The guide is in 2 parts. There is a link to part 1 at the beginning of the page. If you use HSQLDB 2.x, please use the latest Hibernate 3.6 and follow the guide.
HSQLDB, JPA 2, Spring, Hibernate, GWT Tutorial
This guide shows how to program a GWP JPA application using Hibernate JPA and HSQLDB. If you use HSQLDB 2.x, please use the latest Hibernate 3.6 and follow the guide.
Spring + IBatis CRUD Application with HyperSQL
This blog and the followup describe how to create a simple web application that performs CRUD operations against the database using Ibatis SQL Mapper and the Spring Framework with HyperSQL.
A set of blog entries on using HSQLDB for testing database applications.
Testing JASON with JUnit rules
A blog entry on using JUnit and JASON, with HSQLDB as in-memory object store.
Netbeans 7, JUnit, Maven, HSQLDB, Spring and Hibernate
Setting up a NetBeans project using HSQLDB.
Accessing HSQLDB database used in Atlassian products
How to connect to the HSQLDB database with a database manager.