# $Id: sqltool.rc 4313 2011-06-06 02:19:38Z unsaved $

# This is a sample RC configuration file used by SqlTool, DatabaseManager,
# and any other program that uses the org.hsqldb.lib.RCData class.
# See the documentation for SqlTool for various ways to use this file.

# If you have the least concerns about security, then secure access to
# your RC file.

# You can run SqlTool right now by copying this file to your home directory
# and running
#    java -jar /path/to/sqltool.jar mem
# This will access the first urlid definition below in order to use a 
# personal Memory-Only database.
# "url" values may, of course, contain JDBC connection properties, delimited
# with semicolons.
# As of revision 3347 of SqlFile, you can also connect to datasources defined
# here from within an SqlTool session/file with the command "\j urlid".

# You can use Java system property values in this file like this:  ${user.home}

# The only feature added recently is the optional "transiso" setting,
# which may be set to an all-caps transaction isolation level as listed
# in the Java API Spec for java.sql.Connection.
# Windows users are advised to use forward slashes instead of reverse slashes,
# and to avoid paths containing spaces or other funny characters.  (This
# recommendation applies to any Java app, not just SqlTool).

# A personal Memory-Only (non-persistent) database.
urlid mem
url jdbc:hsqldb:mem:memdbid
username SA

# A personal, local, persistent database.
urlid personal
url jdbc:hsqldb:file:${user.home}/db/personal;shutdown=true
username SA
# When connecting directly to a file database like this, you should 
# use the shutdown connection property like this to shut down the DB
# properly when you exit the JVM.

# This is for a hsqldb Server running with default settings on your local
# computer (and for which you have not changed the password for "SA").
urlid localhost-sa
url jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost
username SA

# Template for a urlid for an Oracle database.
# You will need to put the oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver class into your 
# classpath.
# In the great majority of cases, you want to use the file classes12.zip
# (which you can get from the directory $ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib of any
# Oracle installation compatible with your server).
# Since you need to add to the classpath, you can't invoke SqlTool with
# the jar switch, like "java -jar .../sqltool.jar...".
# Put both the SqlTool jar and classes12.zip in your classpath (and export!)
# and run something like "java org.hsqldb.util.SqlTool...".

#urlid cardiff2
#url jdbc:oracle:thin:@aegir.admc.com:1522:TRAFFIC_SID
#username blaine
#password secretpassword
#driver oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

# Template for a TLS-encrypted HSQLDB Server.
# Remember that the hostname in hsqls (and https) JDBC URLs must match the
# CN of the server certificate (the port and instance alias that follows 
# are not part of the certificate at all).
# You only need to set "truststore" if the server cert is not approved by
# your system default truststore (which a commercial certificate probably
# would be).

#urlid tls
#url jdbc:hsqldb:hsqls://db.admc.com:9001/lm2
#username BLAINE
#password asecret
#truststore ${user.home}/ca/db/db-trust.store

# Template for a Postgresql database
#urlid blainedb
#url jdbc:postgresql://idun.africawork.org/blainedb
#username blaine
#password losung1
#driver org.postgresql.Driver

# Template for a MySQL database.  MySQL has poor JDBC support.
#urlid mysql-testdb
#url jdbc:mysql://hostname:3306/dbname
#username root
#password hiddenpwd
#driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

# Note that "databases" in SQL Server and Sybase are traditionally used for
# the same purpose as "schemas" with more SQL-compliant databases.

# Template for a Microsoft SQL Server database using Microsoft's Driver
# (I find that the JTDS driver is much more responsive than Microsoft's).
# OLDER JDBC Driver:
#urlid msprojsvr
#url jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://hostname;DatabaseName=DbName;SelectMethod=Cursor
# The SelectMethod setting is required to do more than one thing on a JDBC
# session (I guess Microsoft thought nobody would really use Java for 
# anything other than a "hello world" program).
# This is for Microsoft's SQL Server 2000 driver (requires mssqlserver.jar
# and msutil.jar).
#driver com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver
#username myuser
#password hiddenpwd
# Current 2011 JDBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server:
# Requires just the new sqljdbc4.jar.  (Microsoft just loves back-slashes)
#url jdbc:sqlserver://hostname\instanceName;DatabaseName=dbname
#driver com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver

# Template for Microsoft SQL Server database using the JTDS Driver
# http://jtds.sourceforge.net  Jar file has name like "jtds-1.2.5.jar".
#urlid nlyte
#username myuser
#password hiddenpwd
#url jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://myhost/nlyte;instance=MSSQLSERVER
#driver net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver

# Template for a Sybase database
#urlid sybase
#url jdbc:sybase:Tds:hostname:4100/dbname
#username blaine
#password hiddenpwd
# This is for the jConnect driver (requires jconn3.jar).
#driver com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver

# Template for Embedded Derby / Java DB.
#urlid derby1
#url jdbc:derby:path/to/derby/directory;create=true
#username ${user.name}
#password any_noauthbydefault
#driver org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
# The embedded Derby driver requires derby.jar.
# There'a also the org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver driver with URL
# like jdbc:derby://<server>[:<port>]/databaseName, which requires
# derbyclient.jar.
# You can use \= to commit, since the Derby team decided (why???)
# not to implement the SQL standard statement "commit"!!
# Note that SqlTool can not shut down an embedded Derby database properly,
# since that requires an additional SQL connection just for that purpose.
# However, I've never lost data by not shutting it down properly.
# Other than not supporting this quirk of Derby, SqlTool is miles ahead of ij.